Morphology is the analysis and description of morphemes (the smallest parts of words e.g. root words, affixes) in a language. It also describes how they occur. This is the morphology of the Bantoanon (Asi) language.
For download:
The Morphophonemics of Bantoanon
0. Introduction
1. Morphological Use of Stress
1.1 Same Stress Affixes
1.2 Ultimate Stress Affixes
1.3 Penultimate Stress Affixes
1.4 Reverse Stress Affixes
1.5 Ultimate/Penultimate Affixes
1.6 Contrastive Stress on Bases
1.7 Form Classes with Fixed Stress Patterns
2. Morphophonemes
2.1 H
2.2 Glottal
2.3 paN-
3. Morphonemic Alternations
3.1 d-> y
3.2 y-> l
3.3 y-> r
3.4 r-> d
3.5 g-> d
3.6 o-> w
4. Morphonemic Mechanisms
4.1 Syncope
4.2 Metathesis
4.3 Epenthesis
4.4 Haplology
4.5 Contraction and Attachment Across Word Boundaries